16th - 18th August | ILZENE

From 16th to 18th August we organise “Soul Tap” summer camp in Ilzene for children and adults with and without preliminary knowledge. The camp program in itself combines leisure by nature and a tap dance intensive which will end with a concert. As the main theme at this camp will be a tap dance genre - rhythm tap. Tap dance classes will be taught by “Soul Tap” dancers: Annija Ķesele, Rita Biezēka, Alise Hofmane and Marta Bīdermane.

Accommodation is intended to be at the house “Pumpuri”; need to bring along sleeping accessories (a sleeping bag, a pillow, an air mattress).

Catering is scheduled to be 4x a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner, a midnight snack.

Participation fees

  • € 50 from the participant - includes participation in the camp program, accommodation, catering, leisure activities.
  • € 35 from a companion (parent, friend) - includes accommodation, catering, leisure activities.

Camp location 

Alūksnes novads, Ilzenes pagasts, LV-4344

Camp program 

Friday, 16th August

17:00-20:00 - Arrival and establishment at the camp location

20:00-21:00 - Camp opening - celebratory dinner

21:00-23:00 - Open air movie night - film “TAP”

23:00-08:00 - Night rest

Saturday, 17th August 

09:00-10:00 - Breakfast 

10:30-10:50 - Warm-up

11:00-12:00 - 1st class

12:10-13:10 - 2nd class

13:20-14:20 - Lunch

14:30-15:30 - 3rd class

15:40-16:40 - 4th class

18:00-20:00 - Wake park / Barbecue dinner

21:00-23:00 - Tap Jam / Sauna party

23:00-08:00 - Night rest

Sunday, 18th August

09:00-10:00 - Breakfast

10:30-10:50 - Warm-up

11:00-12:00 - 1st class

12:10-13:10 - 2nd class

13:20-14:20 - Lunch

14:30-17:30 - Getting ready for the concert

17:00-18:00 - Concert

19:00-20:00 - Closing Dinner

Apply for your participation at the camp!

Application available till 15.08.2019